Friday, April 20, 2012

Cloth diapering

Lilah playing with Siah's birthday water gun in her  fluff!
Cloth diapering has proven to be easier than I was originally making it. I could be just that now she is older. I do not know. It really is not ant hard to change a cloth over a disposable. As for the work of cleaning them. Not hard. I just throw them in the washer for a rinse cycle and then a wash cycle. Hang them on the line; we just got a clothes line this weekend; or on a glummy day I throw them in the dryer. If there are any stains on them which so far was only one little tiny one. The sun will bleach it out. It is super cool. I just received some new super cute diapers I ordered! 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Gardening 2012

We are doing a garden again this year. We decided after last years fail to make raised beds and only pick a couple of things we use often to start. So we have 2 8'x4' beds one bed has cucumbers, spinach, and lettuce; the other has 1lemon balm plant and the rest is roma tomatoes. We also did a bucket of garlic. Mmmm love that garlic which has already started to sprout. I had originally done starter plants inside but managed to kill them. Which is not like me, not to brag or anything. So now we have seeds straight in the bed.  I cant wait for some yummy spinach and to learn how to make and can tomato sauce.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Being green/ natural

Lately I have been trying to do everything more naturally. Researching it out and reading what others do. Wow it is so overwheleming. I have decided that I am going to start with one thing and keep it going and then pick another and do it. I decided this when I read another blog saying one step at  time. I tend to be an all or nothing type of person. I never accomplish my desires b/c of this. Haha. Yup I am a procrastinator. I am picking cloth diapering. Mainly b/c I already have them. I have stopped using them, excusing it with overwhelemed with everything else. No more one step at a time. So after today my baby girl is in cloth diapers full time!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Decisions decisions

Madisyn and Lilah sitting in cool chairs at the show!

Lilah at Olive Garden!
Saturday started out lazy then we got it together and set out looking for a midsize stroller. Wanting something more comfortable for Lilah at the Spring Home and Garden Show. We also decided to check out cribs( as we are borrowing Wes and Jenn's and they are expecting). We did not find any cribs. We went to 4 different stores looking at strollers Target, Babies R Us, Buy Buy baby and Walmart. We eneded up at Walmart at 9:00 and trying to decided which one to get. They had one boxed up but not displayed marked down and it said it reclined like I wanted and it was small which I also wanted. So we opted for that one instead of the one almost twice its price. Upon getting it home it did not recline really any at all it is basically a glorified umbrella stroller. So I am going to bring it back and I thought I would get the other one. While thinking about it though I was like this other stroller is the same price as getting a mei tai carrier which is what I have been wanting  for a while. So I decided to not get the other one just yet and went to the Spring Home and Garden show with just the old umbrella stroller we already have. Well Lilah wouldnt even sit in it. Confirmation of what I had already been thinking. I ended up carrying her through the whole show while Jenn pushed her stroller around with my umbrella one hanging off the back, which I felt bad about. I am glad God showed me what I need to do so I didn't waste money. After the show we went to eat at Olive Garden and then got our nails done with this new gel polish which I am really liking.  It was a great girls day out. 
     The boys stayed home and played with daddy and flew kites. Noah got his stuck in a tree in the neighbors yard. Dylan had to drag a 10 foot ladder down the road to get it out of the tree. From what I heard though they had a good day.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My Home Birth

I started having contractions at 1030am on the 14th of August. An hour later we headed out to Marni's(Dylan's grandma's) house. She noticed things were off and asked if I was having contractions. When she found out I was she was like walk walk. She had me walking around her living room and kitchen all day. When we headed to the house Dylan and I decided it was time to get the boys ready for bed. It was a little after 9pm at this point. When the boys were in bed Dylan went to the store to get some snacks and stuff to make labor drinks. They really helped keep my hydrated and alert while going through the labor. He got home right before 12am. At this point I was walking the house up and down and the driveway. We called my midwife and told her it was  time. She said "Ok I am on my way." We were still a little unsure if it was really time as I was only 37 and a half  weeks. When she got to the house at almost 1am I was around 3cm dilated and confirmed it was time. We decided at this point it was time to call our mommas and Jenn( my sis-in-law)to let them know it was time. Jenn was the one we had to watch the boys. After my mom and sister got here we decided to just go ahead and let the boys sleep; at this point it was like 2ish in the morning. I continued to labor steadily till around 7am when we decided to set up the pool. The boys got up around 8am and they just watched movies and played games in there room the whole morning with Kat. The pool felt so good it really helped to relax me while I was transitioning into the last part of delivery. Around 11am my midwife felt that the babies head was stuck on my cervix. She decided at this point to have me lay on my side to see if the babies head would just find its place and my body would relax. So I decided at this point to get out of the pool as it is hard to be on your side in the pool. I took advantage of this to lay down and try to get some rest. I had not slept since the night before. After 30 minutes my midwife deiced it was time to change positions and start pushing. I got up and walked a little bit but not much as the contractions were really strong. Then sat on what is called a labor stool while Dylan sat behind me and supported my back and helped me push. My midwife held the cervix out of the way while I pushed. I could not figure out what the was in my butt that felt so heavy. I had epidurals with both the boys. Finally a light bulb went off in my head that it was the babies head. I was like oh yeah duh I can do this and pushed harder I would say within five minutes of my light bulb moment baby was born. As I pushed my midwife her assistant and my mom were all there the head. My midwife no longer holding the head because it had come past my cervix. She just supported the babies head and then the head as the baby slid to the floor(covered in plastic). Everyone just sitting there going good job Mary. The baby started to cry and Dylan and I were just like what is it. I sat up going what do we have looking at the floor and I announced and screamed to Dylan(still sitting supporting me) "It's a GIRL!!" "We did it baby its a girl". I began to cry as I reached down and picked up my baby girl. My midwife and assistant and Momma(Kat came in to see) started cleaning up while I fed my baby for the first time. Dylan brought the boys to see there baby sister. They were both very excited it was a girl too! We went and took our bath and at some point Julie(Dylan's mom) and Marni showed up. Then everyone left and we were all by ourselves about 3 hours later. Wes, Jenn and Madi came over that evening for a couple minutes just to say hi. It was so nice being at home in our own beds with our own surroundings. Even though I had not had any sleep I still didn't feel tired. We were sitting on the bed that evening seven hours after being born and  Lilah looked up at her brothers talking to her and were following them with her eyes. I was so full of love, happiness, and excitement.