Friday, April 20, 2012

Cloth diapering

Lilah playing with Siah's birthday water gun in her  fluff!
Cloth diapering has proven to be easier than I was originally making it. I could be just that now she is older. I do not know. It really is not ant hard to change a cloth over a disposable. As for the work of cleaning them. Not hard. I just throw them in the washer for a rinse cycle and then a wash cycle. Hang them on the line; we just got a clothes line this weekend; or on a glummy day I throw them in the dryer. If there are any stains on them which so far was only one little tiny one. The sun will bleach it out. It is super cool. I just received some new super cute diapers I ordered! 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Gardening 2012

We are doing a garden again this year. We decided after last years fail to make raised beds and only pick a couple of things we use often to start. So we have 2 8'x4' beds one bed has cucumbers, spinach, and lettuce; the other has 1lemon balm plant and the rest is roma tomatoes. We also did a bucket of garlic. Mmmm love that garlic which has already started to sprout. I had originally done starter plants inside but managed to kill them. Which is not like me, not to brag or anything. So now we have seeds straight in the bed.  I cant wait for some yummy spinach and to learn how to make and can tomato sauce.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Being green/ natural

Lately I have been trying to do everything more naturally. Researching it out and reading what others do. Wow it is so overwheleming. I have decided that I am going to start with one thing and keep it going and then pick another and do it. I decided this when I read another blog saying one step at  time. I tend to be an all or nothing type of person. I never accomplish my desires b/c of this. Haha. Yup I am a procrastinator. I am picking cloth diapering. Mainly b/c I already have them. I have stopped using them, excusing it with overwhelemed with everything else. No more one step at a time. So after today my baby girl is in cloth diapers full time!