Sunday, January 2, 2011

1-2-11 The BIG announcement!

We told the boys last night that mommy is having a baby. They were so excited. Josiah wants a girl and Noah wants a boy. I told them that they have to pray for what they want and God will choose what we get, but as long as the baby is healthy it doesn't matter. As soon as we got done telling them Grandma(My mom) called and Josiah had to tell her. Today we called Nonnie(Dylan's mom) and Noah got to tell her. Today was one of those lay around the house and play Wii days hanging out before daddy has to go back out of town tomorrow. Noah has still been recouping from being sick. It was an unsuccessful day for waking up at 7am and having a smoothie, oh well tomorrow is an other day. Noah was being really gentle tonight at giving mommy a hug. I asked him what is wrong and he said I don't want to hurt the baby. LOL! So we had a discussion about how he will not hurt the baby by giving me hugs, but he can not hit or kick or punch my tummy, and how the baby can hear us and they can talk to it. They thought that was really cool. I am so happy that they are enjoying this and how much of a great experience this will be for the family. 

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